How To Make Good Social Media For Rescue Dogs
Are you an Animal Rescue, Dog Rescue, or Animal Shelter sharing rescue dog media on your website and social media platforms but holding on to dogs for months or years?
Are you struggling with little adoption or foster interest or engagement?
Learn How To Make Effective Animal Rescue Adoption Media.
How do you make good social media for rescue dogs?
What is the secret to the high rate of interest and quick, appropriate tags and placements that DLB-featured dogs see?
Grab Virtual 1:1 Media Coaching, with DLB, to analyze your current efforts and discuss proven tactics for effective Photo and Video Capture and Social Media Content Share.
Tactics that get dogs into homes.
Topics Covered May Include:
• Dog Handling for Media
• Equipment
• Photo & Video Goals
• Photo & Video Editing
• Music
• Sound Mixing
• Use Of Captions
• Copywriting For Bios And Social Posts
• How To Communicate A Dog's Individual Personality
• Tracking Marketing Efforts and Data
• Various Platform Best Practices
Applicable for staff or volunteers individually or as a group.
$375 for 1 hour
$975 for 3-hour intensive (1.5hr chunks with a break in the middle)
1. EMAIL To Book (or ask questions)
2. Invoice with Contract Info issued
3. Booking link provided upon payment
4. Document of your current efforts assessment + recommendations created prior to consult for review during live consult and sent to you, as reference!
Let's Move More Dogs!!